[Tlc] TLC-Buddhism and Consumerism

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sat Jul 26 14:41:54 PDT 2008


International Conference on Buddhism in the Age of Consumerism

Organized by The College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, In
Cooperation with Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies, 1-3
December 2008, The College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University,
Salaya, Nakornpatom

* *

The conference is held to honor H.M. the King who lives and promotes
the philosophy of “sufficiency economy”. It is to guide Thai peoples to
live in moderation and to help the poor to earn income enough to keep
them happy while preventing them from being swept away by the strong
current of consumerism.

Consumerism is a prevailing characteristic of contemporary societies
the world over. Due to its increasing negative impact on the well-being
of humankind and on nature, it is imperative that the consumer impulse
be balanced with values other than materialistic ones. This requires a
new vision of human flourishing that is not dependent on
ever-increasing consumption of natural resources which are now rapidly
dwindling away. The new vision will not marginalize the importance of
material well-being, but is an attempt to seek a more sustainable and
fulfilling way of living in which humanity can flourish in harmony with
its inner nature as well as the environment. * *

The main thrust of Buddhism is to lead humanity on the way to eliminate
suffering and to find genuine happiness. More than 2500 years ago the 
Buddha taught mankind to be aware of its potential for flourishing and 
showed the path to this fulfilment. Accordingly Buddhism has a
contribution to make for those in the consumerist society to realize
this new vision.

The conference will bring together people with diverse areas of
expertise to collaborate in the pursuit of happiness for the entire
human race in ways that fully take into account the realities of
economics, politics, education, psychology and spiritual values.
Holding the conference in Thailand where the majority of the population
is Buddhist may provide a valuable opportunity to look at the challenge
of consumerism against the background of Theravada Buddhist teachings
and practices. The participants may see how Thai Buddhists manage to
cope with the increasing influence of consumerism. The conference will
also be useful for Buddhists themselves in their struggle to grapple
with this reality while remaining faithful to the teachings. Since this
struggle is the experience not only of the Buddhists but also of those 
of other traditions the conference therefore will be useful for them as

The conference begins each day with lectures by invited speakers and
will later break up into discussion groups to take up the issues
presented in the lectures. This will enable more participants to join
in the discussion and each group will select a representative to report
its conclusions in a later plenary session.

The participants of about 200 members consist of monks and academics, 
both Thai and foreign. For the benefit of Thai audience lectures will
be translated into Thai and thrown onto the screen. Simultaneous
translation may also be available.

The speakers are prominent persons internationally well-known for their 
work in these fields. They are:

1. Dr. B. Alan Wallace, President, Santa Barbara Institute for 
Consciousness Studies, U.S.A. author: /Genuine Happiness: Meditation as 
the Path to Fulfillment/.

2. Dr. Matthieu Ricard, member, French National Order of Merit; monk and 
scholar of Tibetan Buddhism; author: /Happiness: A Guide to Developing 
Life’s Most Important Skill/.

3. Dr. Joanna Macy, holder: Outstanding Woman in Buddhism Award of U.N.; 
eco-philosopher; scholar of Buddhism; author: /World as Lover, World as 

4. H.E. Lyonpo Jigme Thinley, Prime Minister, Royal Government of

5. Mr. Sander Tideman, Businessman with experience in law, banking, and 
organizational development; co-founder of “Spirit in Business”, 
Netherlands; author: /Mind Over Matter; Gross National Happiness/.

6. Dr. Tim D. Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development, University 
of Surrey, U.K.; author: /Material Concerns–Pollution, Prevention and 
Quality of Life/.

7. Mr. Robert Biswas-Diener, Program Director, Education and Learning 
Center for Applied Positive Psychology, U.S.A. Assoc. Editor: /Journal 
of Personality/.

8. Dr. Tim Kasser. Assoc. Professor, Knox College, U.S.A. author: /The 
High Price of Materialism/.

9. Ms. Mirabai Bush, Executive Director, Center for Contemplative Mind 
in Society, U.S.A., co-author with Ram Dass: /Compassion in Action: 
Setting Out on the Path of Service/.

10. Dr. Ronald Nakasone, Buddhist scholar, Graduate Theology Union, 
U.S.A., author: /Ethics of Enlightenment/.

11. Dr. Pinit Ratanakul, Director, College of Religious Studies, Mahidol 
University, Thailand, author: /The Dynamics of Tradition and Change in 
Theravada Buddhism./


Monday 1 December, 2008 

Morning Session

08.00 – 09.00 a.m. Registration

09.00 – 09.10 a.m. Opening Ceremony

09.10 – 09.45 a.m. A video depicting H.M. King’s promotion of the 
philosophy of sufficiency economy to guide Thai people to live in 
moderation and to help the poor earn income enough to make them happy.

09.45 – 10.00 a.m. Break

10.00 – 11.00 a.m.

Keynote Address: /A Buddhist Paradigm for Human Flourishing/

Speaker: Dr. B. Alan Wallace

11.00 – 11.30 a.m. Questions of Clarification

11.30 a.m.– 1.00 p.m. Lunch Break

Afternoon Session 

1.00 – 1.45 p.m.

/The Psychology of Consumerism/

Speaker: Dr. Tim Kasser

1.45 – 2.30 p.m. //

/The Psychology of Human Flourishing/

Speaker: Mr. Robert Biswas-Diener

2.30 – 2.45 p.m. Break

2.45 – 3.45 p.m. Discussion Groups

3.45 – 4.45 p.m. Plenary Session

Tuesday 2 December, 2008 

Morning Session

09.00 – 09.45 a.m.

/Economic and the Pursuit of Happiness/

Speaker: /Professor Tim D. Jackson/

09.45 – 10.45 a.m.

/Political Pursuit of Gross National Happiness/

Speaker: /H.E. Lyonpo/ Jigme Thinley

10.45 – 11.30 a.m.

/Designing an Economy that Works for Everyone/

Speaker: Mr. Sander Tideman

11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

1.00 – 1.45 p.m.

/Changing Mind, Changing Brain/

Speaker: Dr. Matthieu Ricard

1.45 – 2.30 p.m. //

Consumerism and Buddhism: A Thai Response

Speaker: Dr. Pinit Ratanakul

2.30 – 2.45 p.m. Break

2.45 – 3.45 p.m. Discussion Groups

3.45 – 4.45 p.m. Plenary Session

Wednesday 3 December, 2008 

Morning Session

09.00 – 09.45 a.m.

/Human Flourishing in Harmony with Environment/

Speaker: Dr. Joanna Macy

09.45 – 10.30 a.m.

/Education and the Pursuit of Human Flourishing/

Speaker: Ms. Mirabai Bush

10.30 – 11.45 a.m.

/Buddhism in the Age of Consumerism: A Concluding Reflection/

Speaker: Dr. Ronald Nakasone

11.45 – 12.00 a.m. Closing Remarks

Speaker: Dr. Pinit Ratanakul

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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