[Tlc] TLC/VSG-Roxanna Brown

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Dec 19 08:37:45 PST 2008

Forwarded from Dawn Rooney.
Thank you,

I thought you might like an up-date on some of the events that have taken place in the region in honour of Roxanna. A Memorial Day was held for her at Bangkok University. It was lovely day, well attended, and presided over by the President of the University. I gave a talk on ceramics in her museum. Then, last week I presented a paper at the International Conference ‘Ancient Khmer and Southeast Asian Ceramics: New Archaeological Findings, Production and Revival of Techniques’ held in Siem Reap, CKS, 10-12 December 2008


The topic of my paper was a unique green-glazed elephant jar and besides my personal interest in analyzing this extraordinary piece, there were two further reasons I chose this subject for the conference. One, is because of a conversation I had with the Roxanna shortly before she left Bangkok for Seattle to participate in a symposium on Trade between China and Southeast Asia. We discussed our plans to present papers at the conference in Siem Reap. When I asked her what she thought she would write her paper on, she answered without hesitation ‘The amazing elephant jar in our collection!’  Two, Roxanna had asked the National Center for Khmer Ceramics Revival to make a replica of this jar; and that was done and unveiled at the conference.


For these reasons, it seemed appropriate for me to carry out Roxanna’s plans to discuss this particular Khmer elephant jar. I dedicated my paper to the memory of Roxanna Maude Brown, my professional colleague and personal friend for over three decades.


All the best,


Dawn Rooney



Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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