[Tlc] TLC-CKS-Call for papers

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Jul 20 13:23:49 PDT 2007


CALL FOR PAPERS: Higher Education in Southeast Asia: Global
Challenges for Intellectual Capital Building

Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) International Conference
Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 10-11, 2008
Web announcement:

Building human resources is essential to economic and social
development. Whatever the stage of their development, each
Southeast Asian country has tried to address this fundamental
issue by improving their higher education system.  Holding on
to skilled human resources is yet another challenge in the
context of global competition for highly qualified human

This conference aims at providing a platform for experts from
Southeast Asian institutions of higher education to explore
three major themes. The first covers faculty development,
which is the key human resource for any educational
institution that wishes to provide students with the best
learning experience. The second theme includes the analysis
and evaluation of the role of information technology in the
enhancement of teaching and learning. Finally, the issue of
transnational higher education will be addressed in order to
explore how a foreign educational model can enhance existing
higher education institutions in Southeast Asia.

Discussion around these three themes, in a comparative
context, may shed light on challenges posed by the
intensification of the global economy and the fast pace of
science and technology development that are both opportunity
and threats to the current model of higher education in
Southeast Asia.

Scholars based in Southeast Asia are especially encouraged to

Please submit titles, short abstracts with 300 words maximum
and contact details to <rethy.chhem at lhsc.on.ca> by October 15,

Conference Advisory Committee: Prof. Rethy Chhem, Chair; Prof.
Daphne Pan; Prof. Son Soubert; Prof. Bambang Prijambodo; Dr.
Philippe Peycam

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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