[Tlc] T-Chulalongkorn Univ. Peace and Conflict Studies Program

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Mon Aug 27 12:22:49 PDT 2007

Forwarded from one of our members.


The Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program emerged from a
common concern that the world has entered the 21st century
pervasive violent conflicts at the global, regional, national and 
community levels. This concern has led to several attempts to
increase the 
capacity to deal with conflict constructively and peacefully.
education and an embedded in the people and institutions who
are in one 
way or another confronting and dealing with conflict.

The program is a unique short-term certificate course aims to
people to work for a culture of peace and tolerance, to
enhance capacity, 
knowledge and skill, and to generate interaction between
practitioners and 
academics. It hopes to attract people already working in the
area of 
conflict resolution and other parties concerned with on-going
and emergent 
conflict in the Southeast and South Asian region.

It is anticipated that participants on the course, coming from
countries in the region and from outside the region, may
establish their 
own connections and extend their networks so as to empower a
community of 
concerned practitioners and scholars to advance mutual
understanding and foster a commitment to resolve conflict

The intensive short-term program, offered in English, is
designed for 
professionals in mid- to upper-level positions who can arrange
to take 
time off from their employment for just a few months to
participate in the 

For up to three months, program participants gain knowledge in
academic studies in the classroom and practical field training
through case studies research and participation. Participants
taking the 
program will have the chance to network, practice their
skills, exchange 
ideas, and develop new personal and professional relationships
diverse industry leaders worldwide.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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