[Tlc] TLC-apology and new policy

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 25 18:16:55 PDT 2007

Dear All,

First, sorry for a couple of strange e-mails that were sent
out this week. They were accidently approved for the whole
list, when they were just meant for me. 

Second, as was discussed at the Business meeting in Boston,
from now on the TLC listserv e-mails will start with
consistent subject lines. "C-" for Cambodia/Khmer Studies
related stories, issues, announcement, "L-" for Lao, "T-" for
Thailand. The C-,L-,T- will be followed with a simple
description like: "political news," "conference," "CFP" (call
for papers), "job," "new publication," "cultural event," etc.
Therefore, if you are interested in only political news in
Cambodia, then you can delete "T-conference" before opening it.  

Obviously, "TLC-" will refer to fellowships, jobs, etc. that
are of interest to people in all three fields. 

As for discussion threads, these will keep the original
subject line under which they were intiated, like recently
"T-Siam" regarding the discussion of the proposal to change
the name of Thailand back to Siam.

Based on the survey results and discussions with many of you,
political news, new publications, conference, films, CFPs,
jobs, and fellowships were the most important subjects.
Cultural events, estate sales, apartments for rent, and
related items were least desireable. I will adjust my e-mails
to fit these survey results as much as possible.

Thank you for your continued support,
P.S. UCR and SEAC have provided funding for a overhaul of the
TLC.UCR.EDU website this year, so look for lots of new things,
easier reading and clearer structure.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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