[Tlc] TLC-inter-asia conf.

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Mon Apr 16 18:29:09 PDT 2007


DEADLINE: FRIDAY, June 1, 2007

International Conference on Inter-Asian Connections          

Dubai, UAE: February 21-24, 2008


The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is pleased to
announce an open call for proposals from faculty members at
accredited universities and colleges in any world region, to
organize and direct a 4-day thematic workshop at an
international conference on “Inter-Asian Connections.”
Workshop directors selected by the SSRC will be expected to
help recruit and select 8 international workshop participants
from across relevant disciplines in the social sciences and
related fields.


To be held in Dubai, February 21-24, 2008, the conference will
host multiple workshops showcasing innovative research from
across the social sciences and related disciplines, on themes
of particular relevance to Asia, reconceptualized as a dynamic
and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural
formation stretching from the Middle East through Eurasia and
South Asia, to East Asia. This expanded understanding should
bring to the fore new and unanticipated research themes and
cross-regional/trans-regional connections and formations. The
conference theme of “Inter-Asian connections” is flexible
enough to encompass a wide range of projects, from
explorations of inter-regional historical and material
connections (for instance, trade and migration flows; Asian
international relations; the diffusion and exchange of ideas
and ideologies), to cross-national and comparative
investigations of contemporary political, socio-cultural, and
economic processes.


We invite researchers to apply to organize a workshop on a
theme of their choice. Each workshop may have one or two
directors and will include 8 participants (graduate students,
junior faculty, other researchers and scholars) chosen
competitively. Workshop directors should have sufficient
research experience on the region and themes of their
proposals. The deadline for application submissions is Friday,
June 1, 2007.


The full text of the call for proposals, along with
information on the application process and selection criteria,
is available at: http://www.ssrc.org/program_areas/global/papers/.


For additional inquiries, please contact the SSRC at
intl_collaboration at ssrc.org.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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