[Tlc] T-"Siam"

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Thu Apr 5 11:03:09 PDT 2007

A lengthy treatise could be written about the history and
usage of the name Siam, but at this point it will suffice
merely to correct the impression that Siam is a Westernized
form of a Chinese placename (Hsien, which first occurs in the
13th century).  "Syaam" appears in an inscription at Angkor
Wat (mid-12th century) and "Syam" in 12th-century inscriptions
in Pagan, Burma--though in both cases there may be a question
of whether it is a geographical or an ethnic designation.  A
European map of 1575 has SIAM in big red letters.  True, the
indigenous usage is harder to track.  One example is the
Pali-language chronicle of Ayutthaya (1789 CE), in which the
kingdom (raajapadesa) is called Syaama-Dayya (or Syaama-Diya),
presumably "Thai Siam."

As for the background to Professor Charnvit‘s views, the book
by Jit Phumisak (1930-66), Kham pen maa khong kham Sayaam Thai
Lao lae Khom (History of the words Siam, Thai, Lao, and Khom),
published in 1981, might also be mentioned.

Hiram Woodward

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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