[Tlc] more positions, conferences, and fellowships

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Oct 27 15:41:04 PDT 2006

Academic Position

The Department of Asian Languages & Cultures at UCLA seeks
applications for a tenure track position in Southeast Asian
humanities at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin July
1, 2007. The search is open to any discipline in the
humanities, including but not limited to literature,
linguistics, popular culture/film studies, gender studies,
religious studies, cultural anthropology, and urban studies.
Candidates should be actively engaged in research with a focus
on one or more Southeast Asian countries, speak at least one
Southeast Asian language, and show a strong publication record
or the potential to develop one. The Ph.D. is required. The
successful candidate will be expected to participate in the
activities of UCLA’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, to
teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of
Asian Languages and Cultures and to assist in the
administration of the Department’s Southeast Asian Languages
program. Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
The position is subject to final budgetary approval. Please
send application letter, CV, writing samples, and at least
three letters of recommendation by November 1, 2006 to
Southeast Asian Humanities Search Committee, Department of
Asian Languages & Cultures, UCLA, 290 Royce Hall, Box 951540,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540. UCLA is an AA/EOE; women and
minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

May 3-6, 2007
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

The Faculty of Southeast Asian Studies, Center for Asian
Research at Arizona State University,  www.asu.edu/clas/asian
and the Center for Lao Studies, http://www.laostudies.org San
Francisco, CA are pleased to announce the Second International
Conference on Lao Studies (ICLS) to be held on
Thursday-Sunday, May 3-6,2007 in Tempe, Arizona, USA. The main
objective of this conference is to promote Lao studies by
providing an international forum for scholars to present and
discuss various aspects of Lao studies.

The Lao PDR today has a population of roughly six million
people, comprising an amazing complex of ethnolinguistic
groups. Moreover, the number of people in the Lao diaspora
numbers as many as twenty-five million. In recent years there
has been increased interest in Laos and its peoples as
subjects of serious research and discussion by scholars and
the interested public alike. Scholarly publications on topics
pertaining to Laos have flourished in the last several decades
and the international media have helped to cultivate interest
in the region.

The program will include invited speakers, paper
presentations, panel presentations, exhibits, performances,
and cultural activities. The 2007 conference will feature
presentations on any topic concerning Lao Studies.  Topics
include all ethnolinguistic groups of Laos (e.g. Mon-Khmer,
Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman, Lao-Tai), the Isan Lao and other
Lao (Tai) groups in Thailand, crossborder ethnic groups in
neighboring countries, and overseas diaspora heritage groups.
We welcome both proposals for panels and abstracts for
individual papers on a wide range of interests including but
not limited to history, politics, development and planning,
environment, classical literatures, linguistics, music,
sports, science, health, religion and ritual, ethnic groups,
media and art history, and women and society.  The languages
to be used in the conference will be Lao, English and French. 
Abstracts for Panels and Individual Papers
To present a paper at the conference, abstracts must be
submitted by the following deadlines.
December 15, 2006 is the deadline for panel proposals.  For
panel proposals, please provide the title of the panel and a
brief paragraph describing its goal/rational, participants’
names, affiliations and email address, the titles of their
presentations and a paragraph long abstract for each presentation.

January 5, 2007 is the deadline for individual paper
abstracts. For individual papers please provide no longer than
a one page abstract with the title of abstract, author
name(s), author affiliation and email address, and content.

Send abstracts to:
icls2 at asu.eduThis email address is being protected from spam
bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it (or) ICLS2
Faculty of Southeast Asian Studies, Center for Asian Research
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871702
Tempe, AZ 852871702, USA

Early registration deadline is April 5, 2007.  Additional
information on registration will be available on line at
http://www.laostudies.org/. Information on travel and
accommodation and plans for publication of papers will also be
available on the website.

For more information please contact:
Faculty of Southeast Asian Studies, Center for Asian Research
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871702
Tempe, AZ 852871702
Phone: +1 480 965 7184
FAX: +1 480 965 8317
Center for Lao Studies
1201 San Bruno Avenue, Suite 1
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: +1 415 401 6255

Notice to All Who Plan to Attend
Please go to the conference website
http://laostudies.org/conferences/conference.html soon and
indicate there that you “plan to attend the conference.” This
does not necessarily mean that you intend to give a
presentation. Your cooperation in doing this will greatly
assist the conference planners in estimating how many will
attend and what kinds of facilities will be needed. Thank you.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Targeted Fields: Humanities. Open to the following fields:
Asian Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian,
German Studies Linguistics, Slavic Languages and Literatures,
Spanish and Portuguese

Open To: Postdoctoral Scholars.

Citizenship: No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Must have received PhD within the last three years.

Stipend: Carries an annual stipend of $50,000.

Deadline: 12/4/2006

Program Description: Up to six fellowships awarded to highly
promising scholars-teachers in the humanities. Two year award
with department affiliation, limited teaching duties, and
opportunity for scholarly work. The award may be renewed for a
third year.

For More Information:
Professor Seth Lerer
Humanities Fellows Program
Bldg 460, Rm 201
Stanford University
450 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-2087
(650) 723-3422
lerer at stanford.edu


Targeted Fields: Humanities.

Open To: Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation.
Postdoctoral Scholars.

Citizenship: No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements: Postdoctoral fellows must have
received their PhD from the University of California within
the last 2 years or will receive their PhD by June 30.
Graduate students must be currently enrolled in the University
of California and have advanced to candidacy/ all but
dissertation by the end of this academic year.

Stipend: Monthly stipends are $1,250 for graduate students and
$2,587 for postdoctoral students. A housing allowance will be
offered; medical, dental, and vision benefits offered for
postdoctoral applicants only.

Deadline: 12/15/2006

Program Description: Graduate and postdoctoral fellowships
support scholars interested in participating in
interdisciplinary group research projects at HRI. Research
groups change quarterly and interested scholars should contact
HRI for descriptions of upcoming projects. Each group is
expected to produce an edited volume. All fellows must be
committed to being in residence at the Institute, located on
the Irvine campus, for the entire term of the project.

For More Information:
UC Humanities Research Institute Program
307 Administration Building
Irvine, CA 92697-3350
webquest at uci.edu


Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.

Open To: Prospective/Current Graduate Students.

Citizenship: U.S. and Canadian citizens are not eligible.

Eligibility Requirements: Must be qualified for admission to
full-time graduate study, working toward a graduate degree in
the college or university she will attend. Recipients must
have additional financial support to cover all expenses. Open
to women.

Stipend: Average stipend of $8,000 per year.

Deadline: 12/15/2006 -deadline to turn in eligibility
information. All other application material must be postmarked
by 1/31/2007.

Program Description: Approximately 200 grants for women, from
all countries, to pursue full-time graduate studies in the
United States. Scholars must plan to return to their countries
on completion of their degree program.

For More Information:
Philanthropic and Educational Organization for Women
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund
P.E.O. Executive Office
3700 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA  50312
(515) 255-3153

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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