[Tlc] Maranabhava Acariya David Wyatt

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 15 08:19:07 PST 2006

Dear TLC Members,

I was told last night by two of Dr. David Wyatt's students,
Pattaratorn Chirapravati and Michael Montesano, that sadly
Than Ajahn Dr. David Wyatt passed away. Although, I had only
had a few meals and meetings with David over the years, his
writings and approaches were a major influence on my work and
still are. In fact, it is strange, I was on a flight from
Bangkok to Taipei yesterday and was editing some footnotes on
a paper which included David's translation and edition of the
Nan Chronicle and his later article on the relationship
between Lanna and Lanxang. These opened up the entire field of
documents on this region and are just two of the dozens of
foundational works by the great doyen of Thai historical
studies. Besides writing, he has been the direct mentor of
many, if not most, of the best sholars in Southeast Asian
Historical studies in North America and Thailand. He has
passed away, but his footprints and endnotes persist and
pervade. His humor, his advice, and his guidance will be missed.

See below a note from Thak Chaloemtiarana and Allen Riedy on
H-Asia. David's colleagues and students from Cornell and
Thailand will be sending news of the memorial and other events

If you would like to send your condolences to Alene, you can
reach her
<mailto:alene at lightlink.com>alene at lightlink.com

A very sad day,

News of the passing of Professor David K. Wyatt, 14 November 2006
Ed. note: I hope that it will be possible in the near future
to post a
complete obituary of David Wyatt--his contributions to Asian
enormous, and we shall all miss him very much.            FFC
From: Allen Riedy <ariedy at hawaii.edu>

I forward herewith notice of the death of Professor David K.
Wyatt, the 
eminent historian of Southeast Asia and promoter of
development of the 
professional field of Southeast Asian Studies.  He also was an 
important contributor to the revitalization of the
Bibliography of 
Asian Studies and made major contributions to getting the BAS

From: SEAP  <seap at cornell.edu>

Dear Friends,

It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Professor David
passed away early this morning.  Alene was by his side and she
says that
he was at peace.  Even during his retirement and failing
health, David
continued to write, to give lectures, and to mentor students.
 He is a
role model and an inspiration to all of us.

If you would like to send your condolences to Alene, you can
reach her
<mailto:alene at lightlink.com>alene at lightlink.com


Thak Chaloemtiarana (tc17 at cornell.edu)
Director, Southeast Asia Program
Cornell University

Allen Riedy                     Telephone: (808) 956-2309
Head of Asia Collection             Fax: (808) 956-2318
406 Hamilton Library
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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