[Tlc] MCAA

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sat Aug 5 04:11:48 PDT 2006

I forward this from SEAC chair Anne Hansen:

Dear Asian studies colleagues,

Katherine Bowie is organizing the Midwest Conference on Asian
(MCAA) meeting this fall in Madison and still has room for
more papers 
and panels.  Details are below.  Please consider giving a
paper or 
encouraging your students to atttend. 

Best, Anne Hansen



  The deadline for the submission of paper titles for the Midwest
Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) was August 1, however I am
still able
to accept additional papers and panels.  I would like to
encourage all
fellow Asianists in the midwest to attend;  it is a graduate
friendly conference in which everyone can present developing or
completed research.  MCAA will be held in Madison, Wisconsin this
year,October 20-22.  This year should be especially lively
since MCAA is
being held in conjunction with the South Asia Annual
Conference and the
Conference on Thai Studies. Sri Lanka is being highlighted in
the South
Asia Conference.  Registered MCAA members will be able to
attend the
South Asia conference and Thai Studies conferences for no
additional cost.
     The President of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS),
Anand Yang, will be giving the MCAA keynote address.  This year's
presidential panel, organized by Aparajita Sagar (English
Purdue University), is entitled, "Dissident Sexualities and
in Asia and Asian-America."
     For more information, go to the website,
mcaa at intl-institute.wisc.edu. If you have additional
questions, feel
free to contact me (kabowie at wisc.edu). Look forward to seeing
you there,
Katherine Bowie, MCAA Program Chair.

PS:  Anyone who would like to network and find someone to
share hotel
rooms or any impoverished graduate students who would like
sleeping bag
space, please let me know and I will try to provide assistance.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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